His Delight!

The sacrifice of the wicked
is an abomination to the Lord,
but the prayer of the upright
is his delight.

Proverbs 15:8

I believe that God listens to prayer. I believe that God answers prayer. But do I really live in the certainty that God DELIGHTS in my prayers?

I think it is important to know that God doesn’t just listen to our prayers out of duty or because He is hoping to hear a particular phrase or request or “type” of prayer. God DELIGHTS in hearing from US! God is thrilled to hear our prayers– whether they are prayers of praise or prayers of agonizing distress, God WANTS to hear from us.

Some may look at the verse above and say, “God may delight in the prayers of perfect people, or people who are righteous, but I am a sinner. He won’t delight in my prayers. I’m not even sure He will listen to my prayers.”

But that’s not what the verse says. It doesn’t say that God only delights in the prayers of people who are perfect, because, let’s face it, NONE of us is perfect. And who is truly righteous, apart from God Himself? No, God delights in the prayers of the “upright.” So what does that mean in relation to you and me?

God looks at the heart. He sees beyond actions and circumstances. So when we pray, God knows our motives and our deepest thoughts. And if they are “upright”– focused on who God really is, who we really are, and how we relate to Him and how He relates to us–our prayers are a delight to Him. He isn’t asking for perfect people or perfect prayers. He’s asking for us to be transparently honest and humbly desirous when we come before Him. We don’t even have to be perfect in our theology or our faith. If we have the desire to be near to God, God is delighted to listen and respond!

That’s why He despises the sacrifices of the wicked. Their actions may look honest and humble, but their hearts are NOT. They may say all the “right” phrases to impress other people; they may do all the “right” actions to look devout. But God sees their pride, their refusal to give up secret sins, or to confess their true needs. They may want “something” from God– an answer, a blessing, a miracle– but on their terms. They don’t want a relationship, they just want a result.

And when God looks at us, what does He see? I can’t count the times I come to God as a complete “mess.” I’m falling apart, exhausted, at the end of my rope. But God sees ME. He looks beyond my appearance, my emotions, my limitations, my past. He sees my heart. He hears my need. And He hears the hope and trust that I can pour out my heart and He will listen in love, mercy, and compassion.

So does that make me “upright?” Maybe not in human understanding. If I look in the mirror, I may still see a messed-up failure. But God sees the finished product– what He can do for me, in me, and through me as I place my trust in him! By faith in the finished work of Christ, I am redeemed, and so, I am “upright.” God sees in me what I can’t see in myself– His Spirit at work; my future with Him; the full extent of His love.

This is how Jesus saw His disciples. When He looked at Peter, He didn’t just see Peter’s impulsiveness, his impending denials and abandonment. He saw Cephas, “The Rock”– He saw what Peter could become. What He looked at John “the Beloved” disciple, He didn’t see John’s youth or ambition, He saw a child of God who would suffer and stand firm in His faith. When He saw Judas, He didn’t just see one who would betray Him. In fact, at the Last Supper, Jesus shared bread and wine with Judas, and washed Judas’ feet! Jesus took delight in spending time with Judas! It was Judas who threw that all away to his own doom.

And the same is true for us. God sees the whole package. The “upright” are those who look up, and seek God with their whole being. If you come to God– if you seek Him and desire to find HIM and know HIM–God delights in you because He delights to shower you with love, compassion, discipline, wisdom, and blessings– in spite of your circumstances and limitations; in spite of the pain you may be feeling in the moment. God wants a relationship with you, not a “result” of outward perfection, or abject obedience. He wants an honest, joyful, even sometimes difficult and painful relationship. With YOU!

God delights to hear from us– our praises, our desperation, our hopes and dreams, and our deepest fears. God delights in His children. He delights in our prayers!

“Praying” Hide and Seek With God

A strange image popped into my head the other day while praying with our Wednesday morning prayer group from church. I was trying to express the amazing paradox that we are being pursued by a God who is omnipresent, while seeking the same omnipresent God. And the image God gave me was one of playing a game– “Peek-a-boo” or “Hide and Seek.” Of course, prayer is not just a game– it is nothing less than communicating with the Sovereign Lord of the Universe! But God delights in our prayers, and He delights in delighting us as we learn and experience new aspects of His Character.

I love to play “Peek-a-Boo” with babies and toddlers. They love the idea of being “discovered” and “finding” someone. There is a moment of supreme joy in finally seeing oneself in the eyes of the beholder– that moment of recognition and reaction to being the focus of someone’s attention–the joy of intimate connection, “I SEE YOU!” But the game only brings joy if both of us are present and interacting. It brings no joy to a baby to see me staring off into space, or glued to my cell phone. The baby might be intrigued, or even comforted by my nearness, but there is a deeper thrill when she knows that my eyes will shine as they are revealed– looking directly at her! And I get great joy from seeing the baby’s delight.

The same is true of “Hide and Seek.” Yes, the idea is to hide from sight–for awhile. But what fun is it to hide and never be found? What fun to search for someone who has gone away and has no desire to be discovered again? The joy of the game is in that moment of discovery and being discovered– even though we know the other person is somewhere close by, there is that moment of re-connection that brings a jolt of delight. AHA!! I have found you! AHA! You searched for me and found me!

Photo by Nicola Barts on Pexels.com

This is the great tragedy of Sin. Sin causes us to want to hide and NOT be found. (See Genesis 3:8-10). We live in shame and fear, dreading the thought of God finding the “real” us, the secrets we carry, and the ugliness of our hearts. We are frightened by the thought that God is omnipresent– that He sees us; that He sees THROUGH us! We do not want to “Face” God’s justice, and see disappointment and anger in His face. Instead, we want to run away, to cover our eyes, if He will not cover His.

Conversely, this is the great joy of being a Christian. We don’t hide from God’s presence; instead, we turn to Him in delight and recognition. We pray to BE found and to be seen! Finding God, and being found BY Him, involves no fear, no condemnation (Romans 8:1), and no shame. God sees us– all our secrets and shame– through the blood of Christ’s redemption. We are “Born” again– like babies, we can revel in the connection with Our Loving Father. Like a child waiting for the “boo” in Peek-a-Boo, we anticipate the day when we will see Him face-to-face in all His Glory; in the meantime, each glimpse of His Grace, each revelation of His Faithfulness, builds our Hope and our Joy, excites our anticipation, and makes our Heart yearn for the future.

God is omnipresent. His spirit is all around us all the time. As Christians, His Spirit is indwelling– He is not just all around us, but He lives and works IN us and THROUGH us! And yet, God delights in those moments when we turn away from the world around us to focus on just Him. In the same way, even though God is everywhere, He seeks after us and pursues us with a passion and devotion that knows no limits– “Here I am!” “I SEE YOU!” “You are the one who makes my eyes shine!” “I LOVE YOU!”

Today, as you turn away from the world to focus on the Lover of Your Soul, may you find that incredible delight in recognizing His Presence for what it is– Divine, Eternal, Limitless, and Loving.

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