Mumbled Prayers

As I write this, I’m having an “off” day. I don’t feel well. I don’t particularly feel like worshipping or saying joyful prayers. I don’t even feel particularly like saying a prayer. But I will pray– even if it’s just a mumble or a groan.

God meets us where we are. He is not just the God of the joyful and productive; the “shiny, happy people,” or the ones who feel like overcomers. God is the God of the hurting; the God of the lonely; the God of those who are sad, tired, and feeling “off.” Of course, God doesn’t want me to go through life this way. I will have better days– days of accomplishments and celebration. But God does not leave me alone when I am grumpy, upset, or “blue.” He is right beside me, surrounding me with His presence. So I can mumble today, even if I sang yesterday or cry out in anguish tomorrow.

Prayer is a pursuit for every day– not just when we “feel like it” or when we are desperate for answers. It is a discipline. If I choose not to pray today, I may more easily choose not to pray tomorrow, or the next day. And God will still be waiting there, patiently, whether I mumble or give Him the “silent treatment.” Because prayer is more than just a pursuit and a discipline. It is part of a relationship. God already knows me intimately, but He wants ME to know HIM as well. And He wants me to know and experience His Love– even when I don’t feel it; even when I know I’m not very loveable. And that knowledge–that enduring relationship–will carry me through days like today. I can mumble, or whisper all the lies and sadness I feel on a particular day, but God’s presence will break through and wrap me in the cloak of Truth–the everlasting Truth of His Love and Faithfulness. Feelings will pass, but Faithfulness endures. And I pray to the God who is Eternally Faithful–even when I am temporarily feeling faithless and far away.

God is an expert at turning mumbles into melodies!

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