Prepare Him Room

“Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and Nature sing!”

from “Joy to the World”, by Isaac Watts

I cleared a space in my living room for a tree.
I placed a Nativity set on our newly-cleaned mantle place.

I found a cozy nook to wrap all the Christmas gifts,
And I used candles and decorations to fill all the empty space.

I cashed in my Christmas club money to buy the gifts
For friends and family.

I set aside money to buy stamps for Christmas cards
And to give to charity.

I cleared my schedule and made time for
All the extra running this Holiday season.

For parties and shopping with friends;
For Church and family–all excellent reasons!

But it wasn’t until I made time and space for the Babe–
God come to Earth as a baby Boy–

It wasn’t until I let go of all of “it” for “HIM,”
That my heart was transformed with Unspeakable Joy!

Christmas has room for bells and lights,
For carols, and cookies, and festive nights.

Christmas has room for laughter and presents.
But it isn’t really Christmas without HIS PRESENCE.

“Let every heart prepare Him room” this year.
Let every heart be filled with true cheer.

Let us Adore Him–far and wide–
This Savior who was born; who died

And rose victorious over the tomb!
Who entered our world in a Virgin’s womb,

The one who came to save the human race;
The one who is filled with “redeeming Grace!”

May Christmas Day, and ALL our days
Be filled with Wonder, Joy, and Praise!

Today, as we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, let us remember that He came into a world that wasn’t prepared. There was no room in the inn. There was no baby shower, anticipating the arrival of a long-expected birth. In fact, His birth came without all the trappings that we have added to the Holiday. I love all the wonder of the Christmas Season– all the lights and songs; gathering with family, and friends, Advent services and Christmas Eve candlelight vigils, gifts and cookies, Christmas movies and Christmas cards– I could go on for pages!

But the heart of Christmas comes quietly and simply; when we step back from all the glitter and activity and take in the absolute wonder that the God of the Universe stepped into all the limitations of His Creation– a world of time and space, dirt and disease, broken hearts and broken bodies–and He did it for YOU and for ME. He had to be fed and changed–the ruler of Nations!–and placed in a manger to lie in all the helplessness of infancy. He had to walk wherever He wanted to go. He had to eat and sleep and wait in lines and wash away the dirt and sweat of His exertions. He had to listen to the foolish arguments and explain Himself to critics whose very souls He had lovingly created. And He let them condemn Him unfairly and kill Him in the most painful and humiliating way they could dream up.

Christmas is about Joy bursting into a world that was NOT prepared for it. It is about the inextricable link between suffering and celebration; between seeking and being sought out; between salvation and sacrifice.

Our Joy at Christmas cannot be manufactured by songs or gifts or entertainments. It can’t even be found in rituals and traditions. But when Jesus finds room in our meditations, our relationships, and our lives, Joy is the overflow.

May we all find Joy this Christmas– whether or not we prepared in advance; whether or not we checked off all the items on our “to-do” lists; whether we can afford all the trimmings and decorations; even if we are crying out in the darkness– may the Joy of Christmas burst upon us, just as Jesus burst upon a weary world so long ago! 

“Joy to the world! The Lord has Come!”

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