Voice Mail

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a prayer meeting, and I set my phone to vibrate, so it wouldn’t ring and disturb everyone during prayer time. But I forgot to change the settings afterward. For three days, things were pretty quiet as my phone sat vibrating in my purse across the room, or plugged in to the charger overnight! I had several missed calls, and many voice mail messages waiting for me when I finally noticed what had happened. Some of the callers were trying to get in touch with me about my car’s extended warranty, but most were calls about personal or business matters that I should have responded to– if only I had heard the phone ring. This didn’t stop me from sending calls or text messages to other people; it just meant that I didn’t get their messages to me.

I think sometimes, we can do the same thing with other forms of communication, including prayer and Bible study. We send messages to God, but we live with our “ringers” off– unable to receive or respond to God’s messages to us. And, as we become aware of our neglect, we are afraid to check our “voice mail,” lest we find harsh or condemning messages from God. “Where have you been? Why aren’t you answering my calls? I’ve been trying to get in touch!”

Throughout the books of the prophets, God left such messages for His people. They “knew” His law, and His promises; yet they were deaf to His voice, and hard-hearted toward Him. Even as invaders were approaching, ready to destroy the Temple and carry the people away into exile, they ignored God’s call to return to Him and follow His ways. Instead, they prayed to worthless idols and made worthless treaties with neighboring nations– treaties they wouldn’t even keep. They listened to false prophets who only told them what they wanted to hear– that God would come to their rescue and ignore their “bad habits” and idolatry. Again and again, God sent prophets with messages of terror and destruction. And mixed into each was a message of hope and restoration–exile would come, but so would a Savior.

God still speaks through prophecies, though rarely. His greatest word was Jesus Himself, living out His Holy character, and dying to show us both the cost of Sin and the Glory of Grace! God’s “Voice Mail” message to us is Our Savior– not to save us from foreign invaders or earthly trials, but to save us from the power and slavery of Sin. His message is clear and consistent–“Follow Me!”

There are many other messages clogging our voice mail– from car warranties to frivolous memes; from distracting messages to false promises. It is important to check which messages are coming from God’s word, which messages are consistent with His Word, and which ones are contrary to His Word. God will never send a message that contradicts His Character– He will not whisper to us about “cheap grace” or set us up for failure. He WILL warn us of the consequences of Sin and offer us forgiveness whenever we repent.

Photo by Sunshine Caro on Pexels.com

Today, I need to check my “Voice Mail”. God is glad when I speak to Him, but He also wants me to listen and obey; to follow Him. There is a warning in God’s message– something far worse than a temporary exile is headed our way. But there is NO condemnation– only a plea to return to Him, and enjoy the Grace He wants to lavish on us. God’s message is far better than a car warranty– it is a message of Salvation and Eternal life; a continuing message of Hope and Restoration. If only I will listen and respond! Have you checked your voice mail lately?

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